Wednesday, September 9, 2015

how to: Loose Curls

Alrighty, I am a creature of habit. I like things certain ways & once I find the way that I like I keep it that way or do it that way forever. I love my hair & I have a lot of it, I am not trying to brag it's just a fact... I think thats why my last name is HA(I)Rries (; #destiny... just kidding. I have naturally really crazy curly hair, I do like it but my favorite hair style on me or just about anyone is soft loose curls.

So i thought that I would show just a short little video, give a few tips & share how I like to curl my hair for those of you who ave asked or looking for a new way to do you hair.

Step 1: I don't like to blow dry my hair before this because I think it takes out a little but of the volume so wash your hair, brush it & let it air dry.

 Step 2: Make sure to have all the knots brushed out, it will go by faster if your hair is smooth & the curler will go through your hair easier,

Step 3: I like to have a 1.5 in curler, it gives a softer wave. Depending on your own hair texture & length this will vary. For hair of friends that I have done, for thinner hair & shorter hair a 1 inch should be fine. Anything much smaller & you'll be looking like Shirley Temple.

Step 4: Have a sturdy Claw Clip with you, it's all about sections. It allows you to focus on each layer of hair, making the finished product look better & avoids having any random undone pieces sneaking out.

 Hot Tools is the brand of my curler & my favorite brand...highly recommend.

Step 5: (the most important Step) WRAP your hair around the curler. I have a curler with a clamp & I will talk about that next, but for most of your hair wrap your hair around the curler rather than clamping it & wrapping. ALSO.. when wrapping the hair make sure the tip of the curler is facing toward the ground.

Step 6: I use the clamp for my front hairs or bangs. It gives it a little bit of a better flip that holds longer.

Step 7: If necessary for your hair spray a light layer of Hair Spray at the very end...but i really mean it. SUPER light layer because we want the curls to fall & give a looser look to them.

That's all I got folks, follow these simple 7 rules & give your hair some curls.

for more questions on my hair or other daily routines or tricks of mine comment below or email me!

xoxo Mads

Check out the quickie video here!

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